Now some of you may not know what the song of storms is. The song of storms is a song you can learn on your ocarina in Ocarina of Time. You learn it from Guru Guru in Kakariko village. Now, here is where it can get super confusing so you might have to go back and re-read some sentences. As a child, you can go into the windmill an talk to Guru Guru. He will just babble on about how much he loves how the windmill goes round and round. While he is doing this he seems to be playing some sort of music box type thing. It is not necessary to do this but I am just mentioning it so you don't get too confused. If you enter the windmill as an adult however, it is a completely different mood. The windmill is going super fast and he is playing his little music box a lot faster, and angrier now. If you talk to him he states that some little kid dressed in green ruined his life seven years ago. Sound familiar? He says the little kid came in and played an odd song on his ocarina and it made it start to storm, causing the windmill to go crazy. Now, he is boomed to live the rest of his life playing his little box. If you pull out your ocarina in front of him he will angrily state that looks identical to the one the little boy played. Then, like a moron, he teaches you the song that the little kid played to make it storm, and you now know the song of storms. Now, I am quite sure that you all know that the little boy is you as a kid, so who's ready to go ruin someones life? Technically this is necessary to get through the main quest because it empties the water in the well. Go back into the windmill as a little kid and play the song right in front of him. The windmill will go crazy and so will he. Are you ready for the crazy part? Now, here is where it can get super confusing so you might have to go back and re-read some sentences. Who taught you the song? Guru Guru did. And who taught him the song? You did. Confused yet? You practically taught each other the song. Or in simpler terms, you taught yourself a song that can make it rain. How does that work? He didn't create it, and you didn't either, so who did? That's the part that will leave you wondering endlessly in your mind. You will never know who made the song, or how it got there in the first place, its just... there.... The paradox just goes on endlessly without stop. Did I confuse you? That's ok, just go back and re-read it again.
Thank you guys for reading! Sorry if I made your head hurt. And, big news! Zelda Galaxy has a new instagram page!!! Check us out @thezeldagalaxy21 for post notifications and special announcements! Also make sure to check out for even more Nintendo theories, tips, updates, and more! Bye!