Hey everyone! Sheik here. Today, I am going to be talking about the Legend of Zelda amiibos. These can be found practically in any store that has a big electronics section. All of them are online of course too. Lets jump right in.
These were the first ones released. They are (left to right) toon Link, Zelda, Link, Sheik, and Ganondarf. Now these say Super Smash Bros on the box, which does make me a little mad, cause honestly people, it's just Zelda. The bases on the bottoms of them are also the Super Smash Bros logo. Now, these can be very useful. First they look very good in a collection, if you have one, and they have in game effects. For instance, in Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD, while on the save screen, you can tap them to the gamepad. The two Links, will refill your arrows once a day. Princess Zelda and Sheik, will refill your hearts once a day. Then there is Ganondarf. He is less then useless. If you tap him to the game pad, he will make you take double damage. They are also usable in Super Mario Maker, and you can actually play as any of these characters.
Next, are the 30th anniversary Zelda amiibos. These actually say Zelda on the box and have a triforce on the base. These will be released on December 2nd of this year. These include (left to right) 8-bit Link, Link with his ocarina, and Toon Link and Zelda from Wind Waker. All we know for usefulness is they are compatible with Twilight Princess, and Hyrule Warriors.
These are the Breath of The Wild amiibos. The game and the amiibos are to be released sometime in 2017. This game looks awesome. It has the biggest world in a Zelda game yet, and the graphics look great too. I don't want to give away any spoilers, (I haven't looked at any myself either, takes the fun out of it) so that's all I am going to say about these today. I will make another post about them in 2017.
This is my personal favorite amiibo, wolf Link with Midna. You can only get this amiibo by purchasing the Twilight Princess HD deluxe edition. This amiibo is very useful. First I will start with what it does in Twilight Princess. If you tap it to the gamepad, you will be taken to an all new side quest, called the cave of shadows. This looks a lot like the Cave of Ordeals, but you must complete it as a wolf. Once you beat all the floors, it will save how many hearts you had left to your system. This will become useful in 2017. When playing Breath of the Wild, if you tap the wolf Link amiibo to the gamepad, he will appear in your game. He will follow you around, kill enemies, and hunt for you. He will have the same amount of hearts that you had at the end of the cave of shadows. If you don't have Twilight Princess HD, and if you didn't beat the cave of shadows, you can't use him. You can also use him in Super Mario Maker as well. Tap him to the gamepad and a pixelated version of him will appear and you can place him in mystery boxes. When playing your level, he is a playable character.
Thanks for reading guys! Let me know what you thought in the comments and tell us what your favorite amiibo was! Make sure to check out http://thenintenbros.blogspot.com/ all kinds of Nintendo tricks facts and theories! Even some Skyward Sword posts! Until then, Bye!!!