Monday, September 12, 2016

Hello guys! Now I have been a little behind on my posts so today, I am going to do my first theory! I will be going into detail on my favorite theory, the dark interlopers from Twilight Princess. Before I go forward, SPOILER ALERT! This theory is quite long, there is a lot of evidence, but stick with me here, it is worth it. Enjoy!

Image result for twilight princess dark interlopers

The dark interlopers are one of the most mysterious things in Twilight Princess. Who are they? Where do they come from? How did they get so powerful? Well I am going to try my best to answer those questions. First I'm going to tell you what we know for sure. First, these people are the creators of the fused shadows, which is a very powerful piece of magic. Second, these interlopers tried to use their magic for evil, so the twilight realm was created by the gods. They were then banished there. The twili species are descendants of these interlopers, as told by Midna, princess of the twilight realm. That is what we know about them so far, all of that was proven in the game. Now, I want to answer one of the most common, and unanswered questions. Who are they? Well this is one of the theories. I think they are Sheika defectors. There is a TON of evidence that proves this theory, so I am going to go through it piece by piece. First, you can probably see from the picture above, the interlopers have red eyes. Well so do all the Sheika. All the Sheika seen in the series are shown with
red eyes. Now this could be a coincidence, but theories are about coincidences! :D Alright. Next up is the Sheika eye. It is iconic in every Sheika related thing. It can be seen on Sheik's outfit, and some versions of Impa have it painted over her eye. Wait a second? What does that have to do with the interlopers, and the twilight realm? Well, the Sheika eye appears a few times in the twilight realm. First of all, the eye can be seen on the back of Zant's throne. Now why would they have the eye on their throne if it wasn't very important to them. Also, they are completely disconnected to the outside world, so how would they know about the Sheika? So this means they either are Sheika, or were very close to them. Another piece of evidence is the fused shadows. The fused shadows are one of the most powerful pieces of magic in the game, besides the triforce and other things of course. They must have been very powerful to make such a piece of magic. How did they get so powerful? It is a fact that the Sheika where connected to the royal family as there sworn
protectors. Could there have been some sort of rebellion? Maybe during something like that, they stole some powerful something. That's not very proven though so lets move on. The interlopers made the fused shadows with some sort of strange magic, and they were sealed away. BUT! The Sheika
eye can be seen on the back of the fused shadow. This easily could be some sort of recognition mark. Also, again, why put the Sheika mark on it if it is not very important to them. The eye can also be noticed on the front of the fused shadow. Now, some say that the interlopers also created the Majoras mask. That will be my next theory because that's a whole other set of evidence. Now, you may have noticed, neither the eye on Zant;s throne, nor the eye on the fused shadow, have the tear underneath. This could be a clue as to why the interlopers defected. Some say they got mad because the royal family was giving them the wrong jobs. The Sheika were sent by the goddess to protect and aid the royal family. Some felt the royal family was ordering them to do off topic things, like protect a non-royal person. They felt this was a disrespect to their purpose, and henceforth got very powerful and tried to take over the sacred realm, and the triforce. The light spirits were sent by the goddess to destroy the power and seal them away. Years after, the royal family use the mirrior of twilight, the only connection between the two worlds, to banish prisoners directly to the underworld.

That's pretty much the interloper theory! Like I said, I will be posting another theory about the majoras mask soon. Thanks for reading! Make sure to check out for even more Nintendo facts, easter eggs, and theories. Bye!!!

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