Thursday, October 13, 2016

Hyrule Historia

Hello everyone! Sheik here, and today, I will be talking about one of the most useful Zelda references ever. That's right you Zelda fans! I'm talking about Hyrule Historia.

I have found this book VERY useful. I find myself reading it over and over again because of how amazing it's content is! I mean, it is literally 237 pages of pure awesome. It contains concept art from the games, a complete timeline (except Breath of The Wild but that doesn't count). It goes through each game and gives a good summery in the timeline order. Also, the first 66 pages are completely Skyward Sword, since this came out about the time that it came out.

As you can see above, it also has a map to show the character design development over time. It also includes a complete map for Princess Zelda and Ganondarf.

This picture shown above is an example of what the summaries look like. Most of them are about five pages long, and are full of interesting facts. Also, in the Twilight Princess section, and Wind Waker section, it shows you how to decipher the language written in that era. Also in the Twilight Princess section, it proves the Hero's Shade IS Ocarina of Time Link!!! So now you also see that I am not crazy!!! It also explains most of the characters.

Up above here is an example of the "creative footprints". Here, it shows many design sketches for many of our beloved characters. As you may see, this shows Skyward Sword Zelda, and her many possible looks and outfits. There are so many pages filled with possibilities!

Also in the back of the book, is a small part of the Skyward Sword manga. Now some of you may be like "ew! manga!" but hear me out. If you love to know all things about a game, then you must read this. I mean, this is like the beginning of all the timeline! It tells of the time of Hylia's Hero, and the first loftwing, and when Skyloft was first created! I highly suggest reading this.

So now do you need to go buy this book right now? Yup, I thought so. Well, I'm not going to keep you from following your dreams, so I'll stop talking. Thanks so much for reading, make sure you check out for even more Nintendo tips, theories, easter eggs and more! Bye!!!

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