Monday, October 3, 2016

Top 5 Zelda Games

Hello everybody! I have been behind on my posts, so today we are going to jump right in! Now, you don't know most of my personal thoughts on Zelda, so today, I am going to give you my top 5 favorite Zelda games! These are COMPLETELY my opinion, you can like others and that is ok!!! Also, don't get me wrong! I love ALL Zelda games. These are just the ones I really loved. First, lets start with number five.

My fifth favorite Zelda game is Legend of Zelda Link to the Past. I love this game because of its awesome story and great soundtrack. The feature of traveling to and from the past and present, is something I personally love. It was also one of the originals and it will always hold a place among my favorites.
My fourth favorite Zelda game is Skyward sword. I love this game for many reasons. It has many twists and unexpected turns in its story line. Again, I also love the soundtrack. This title also portrays my favorite version of Zelda. She is just a normal girl with a big destiny. It has excellent gameplay along with awesome graphics. Overall, this game will give you a big case of the feels.

The Legend of Zelda Majora's mask is one of my absolute favorites. It has a dark and mischievous story line along with many sad and depressing moments. If this game doesn't have your heart hurting, then you need to see a doctor. I also love the masks. They give you so many abilities that make the quest so much easier. For example, the bunny hood makes the regular running trips through Hyrule Field less intimidating. This game was one of the most mysterious I've played. So many things that you must progress through the story to figure out. That's why this game gets number three.
My second favorite is Ocarina of Time. I just absolutely love this game. So many of my favorite characters are featured in this title. Such as Malon, Saria, Impa, and Ruto. Also as most of you know, Sheik, is one of the main characters in this title. I will be making a post later on why I love her so much. I also love the ocarina and all the songs you can play. This can be a very cheerful game. Well... Until *cough*cough* shadow temple* Wow, excuse me. The gameplay is quite cool as well, and I just love all the characters. The game also has just the right amount of temples necessary to completing the game. There are so many more reasons, but for the sake of time, we are on to number one!

I could go on for hours at end on how much I love this game. Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess is by far, my all time favorite video game. I don't even know where to start! I love every little thing about this game. The darkness to it, the compelling story line, all the characters! This game contains my favorite Zelda character, Midna. Now I know, gasp!* it isn't Sheik?! No, Sheik is a close second but Midna has always been my favorite. Now, I have played this game before I could even read. So many childhood memories were of this game! It has the best storyline in all video game history (that is an opinion) and the best soundtrack too! Whenever I am bored, I will start a new save file, then BAM! Eight hours later I am still playing. This game, is so emotional and has such a great story line. Like I said, I could go on for hours, but I'm afraid I must go. I will be posting more about Twilight Princess soon.
Thank you so much for reading! Tell me your favorite Zelda game in the comments below! Make sure you check out for even more Nintendo updates, game facts, theories, and more. Until then, Bye!!! 

1 comment:

  1. My favorite is also Twilight Princess. Actually, it probably wouldn't have been your favorite if it wouldn't have been my favorite first. :)
